Times have changed and the job market has become more challenging for companies to identify and on-board quality talent.
Career Showcase has been a trusted partner for hundreds of companies just like yours. We help you source the candidates that you can’t find through traditional recruiting methods.
Career Showcase was formed in 2000 out of the desire to help companies have the ability to remain competitive in their respective marketplace.
We are your resource—an extension of your recruiting team, and our 20+ year track-record proves it. We are always eager to assist companies facing recruiting problems because that is what we do best.
Our team is comprised of HR professionals, Executive recruiters, and Team building professionals that you can count on during the daunting task of finding the ideal candidates.
Over 85% of our clientele have attended Career Showcase Job Fairs since the beginning…that speaks volumes!!
Hundreds, now is your opportunity to hire the best talent the market has to offer.
We have our events in the evening, by default we are attracting employed candidates as well. Other job fair leave out employed candidates, not making it possible for you to recruit them.
We give you a 2 minute opportunity to pitch your company in a “theater” environment to the candidates, this will help attract the “A” players to your table.
Please call for your customized package price.
Full advertising for your company, a 6ft exhibit table, resume access to our state of the art database and access to hundreds of candidates face to face.